Nominaciones de la Academia

Senator Rosen has the honor and privilege to recommend some of Nevada’s most talented and skilled individuals to attend the United States Military Academies. These academies allow young people to serve our country while receiving a full four-year scholarship from some of our finest institutions of higher learning. Upon acceptance of an appointment into an Academy, a student commits to five years of active duty service after graduation.


Each applicant for a nomination from Senator Rosen’s office must meet the following eligibility requirements:

  • Must be at least 17 years old, but not have passed the 23rd birthday. (25 for the Merchant Marine Academy).
  • Must be a U.S. Citizen, and a permanent resident of Nevada.
  • Must be unmarried, not pregnant, and have no legal obligation to support children or other dependents.

Academy and Nomination Procedures

Prior to applying for a nomination from Senator Rosen’s office, please contact your academy or academies of choice to request a pre-candidate questionnaire. Once completed and returned, the academy will apprise you of any special physical, medical, or academic requirements particular to their institution.

Senator Rosen Application for Service Nominations

This application for a service academy nomination and all other required submissions must be received by the due date listed on the application. Please keep this in mind especially in regard to the required recommendations, which can often take the longest to arrive. Be sure to apply for a nomination from all three of your Members of Congress to increase your opportunities to receive a nomination.